Mutants of Real Life

Superhero movies, whether it is Spider-man, Superman, Batman or our popular Indian saviour the Shaktiman, have always excited me since my childhood. The way these superheroes are depicted in these movies makes me feel enchanted and that also speaks of the beautiful creativity of the creator. One such movie that I always love to watch is the X-Men Series. The movie is based on Mutants who inherit characteristic superpowers. The character’s in the movie whether it be Prof. X, Logan aka Wolverine or the latest quirky character, Deadpool is always fun to watch.

Recently I had been to one of the theatres in the city to watch the movie Logan, yet another superclass in the X-Men Series. The story is based on the mutant character Wolverine. The movie conveyed an idealistic relationship between a father and daughter and also an end of the most lovable fierce character Logan. While watching the movie I had this thought in my mind that what if these mutants happened to be a reality in our lives? Wow! How amazing life would have been!

It didn’t take much time for me to accept the fact that mutants are just an imagination of someone and they don’t exist in real lives. But, there are some people in our lives who resemble mutants and yet we fail to acknowledge them. After an intensive thinking for a couple of hours, I came up with the characters from the movie those who resemble the people in and around our lives.

Prof. X, a genius level intellect and telepathy expert resembles me as the Father of real life. A father is also a genius at managing almost anything that comes his way, whether it be the problems of work life, family problems, social life, etc. He stands behind every family member during his/her ups and downs and is always available as if a telepath. Mystique, a shapeshifter and an expert fighter resemble me as the Mother. A mother also takes roles of an ideal homemaker, a teacher, a cook, working women, and numerous other countless jobs just like the mystique who can take the shape of any other person just by touching him/her. Needless to say, she is an expert fighter in all situations.

And of course, the most loved character of all, a fighter, The Wolverine, a man with retractable claws and natural healing ability is just like our friend in real life. Our problems and our pains when confronted with such person heal naturally. A friend is always there to help us just like Logan whose deadly claws are enough to fear away any enemy. Every college has that attractive guy who is always into the limelight for his looks and his charming magnetic influence. This guy is the Magneto of X-Men movie. The Magneto can attract any metal object in front of it through his electromagnetic superpowers. However, I could never become one such.

Thinking, Imagination, Mutants of Real life

We should be grateful to such people who have made an impact in our lives knowingly or unknowingly. Such is my level of imagination that creates magic in my world. Though it’s a mere fiction, imagination creates endless possibilities. In life whenever we feel that reality is falling apart. Imagination creates wonders. Albert Einstein once said,’ Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.’

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